A Message of Hope
Overall Meaning:
The logo conveys a message of hope, healing, and justice. It suggests that even in the face of adversity, it is possible to find strength, resilience, and a path towards healing. As a whole, the logo symbolizes Westminster Abbey and the Seminary of Christ the King’s commitment to providing a safe, supportive, and transparent environment for victim/survivors of abuse while empowering them and promoting justice.

- The Circular “M”: This symbol represents the Minor Seminary and our community. It embodies a compassionate embrace, signifying our unwavering commitment to supporting victim/survivors.
- T-Shaped Cross: This symbol stands for transparency, truth, and transformation. It aligns with our commitment to open communication, justice, and supporting survivors. It also symbolizes faith, hope, and the enduring spirit of victim/survivors.
- “I” Stem: This symbol embodies initiative. Like a stem nurturing a plant, we are dedicated to guiding and supporting victim/survivors on their path to healing and justice.
- Dogwood Flower: This symbol represents hope, renewal, and resilience. It embodies the promise of healing and a brighter future for victim/survivors. The flower’s association with the crucifixion signifies their suffering, while its transparency reflects our commitment to honesty and openness.
- Two Leaves: This symbol represents Westminster Abbey and the Seminary of Christ the King, institutions, committed to supporting victim/survivors. Just as leaves give a plant life, transparency gives people the clarity, trust, and accountability they need to heal.